Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Five 2/26

Just a couple of memes to start off with to get back in the swing of blog writing. Also because I've just decided to cut all coke/sodas and it's giving me one hell of a headache. Need something simple and quick to focus on. Onwards!

Friday Five:

1) What's your favorite magazine? Anyone that knows me knows that I'm an absolute magazine junkie. I cannot help it, give me a mag with some interesting articles & neat pictures and I'm in heaven. So, suffice it to say, there's no way for me to pick just one. Some of my favorites however, include; Marie Claire, Glamour, Wired, Maxim (Yep, Maxim! They have great techy articles and always feature neat gadgets. And they're funny.), and most any cooking, crafting/organizing/home decor mag.

2) What book are you currently reading?
Right now I'm reading two, This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of Obsession by Daniel J. Levitin and Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert (Yeah yeah, I know, late to the game on this one. I figured I should read it before the movie came out. So far not sure how it's going to translate to film.)

3) What's the worst book you ever read? Probably not the worst one ever, but one that I read recently that sucked was Summer of Storms by Judith Kellerman. Lazy, boring writing. The book is over before you even get into what is supposed to be the main plot of the book. The climax of the book comes out of nowhere with a character you don't even meet prior to the big reveal and with a story so convoluted it makes you wonder how the hell it made it past the editing process.

4) What makes a book perfect for you?
Just....beautiful, fantastic writing. A story that grips me and doesn't let me go. That keeps me thinking about it even when I'm not reading it, that lingers with me after wards. Characters I can relate to and a strong plot without weak devices.

5) If you could buy any book right now, which one would it be?
Hm, something by Nick Hornby maybe, The Polysyllabic Spree, he's one of my favorite authors. Or perhaps The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson. I've heard good things about it.


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